
Company Profile
Software Reliability
Software Metrics
Software Patching
Software Maintenance
Software Quality
Firmware and Hardware Reliability
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Currently, we offer the following Services:
Software Reliability
Software Reliability Engineering (SRE) tools and methodology consultation & research
Software Metrics
Software metric consultation & training, employing state-of-the-art reliability & quality metrics enhanced with data and regression analysis
Software Patching
Software patching methodology consultation when multiple processors require to be updated in real-time applications
Software Maintenance
Maintenance Life Cycle (LC) analysis of complex real-time systems using specialized metrics coupled with advanced maintainability techniques
Software Engineering
Software Engineering Process (SEP) & quality assessment based on industry’s best practices
Firmware/Hardware Reliability
Firmware/Hardware Reliability Analysis using Markov and non-Markov Processes
Advantages our company offers:

  • Supported by the most experienced analysts and researchers in the field
  • All work is performed in a highly confidential & professional  manner
  • Efficient and fast contracting process
  • Quick turnaround on all contracted projects
  • Competitive pricing.

Send Mail to webmaster@softwarereliability.com with questions or comments about this website.
Copyright 2004 Software Reliability Research L.L.C
Last Modified May 1, 2004