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Software Maintainability Analysis of Complex Systems

Software industry currently spends between 50% to 75% of its development budget on software maintenance and yet it remains the least researched topic in the industry. Research and consultancy in this area will provide a client with the most up-to-date techniques for reducing costs and providing estimates for maintaining complex real-time systems. Complexity of software modules coupled with their size and other maintainability attributes makes effective maintenance of software products difficult and labor extensive. Correctly targeted methodologies and practices can help in reducing the high cost of software maintenance.


  • Advanced de-risking techniques are used to study the impact software modules that need most maintenance
  • Specialized metrics are used to study the impact of software changes and their impact on maintainability
  • Maintainability architecture of complex software products are developed then enhanced for each product line

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Key Benefits

  • Better maintained systems reduces downtimes
  • Good maintenance procedures reduces manpower needs
  • Transparent maintenance procedures improves customer satisfaction
  • Effective maintenance procedures reduces operational cost


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Copyright 2004 Software Reliability Research L.L.C
Last Modified May 1, 2004